Saturday, July 11, 2009

Be Shrill?

I'm reading Andree Seu...again...and am always (World, 04 July 2009, pg. 98). She sets the background by quoting Tom Ridge's comments about Rush Limbaugh. Ridge says, "Well, I think Rush articulates his point of view in ways that offend very many. It's a matter of language and a matter of how you use words. It does get the base all fired up and he's got a strong following. But personally, if he would listen to me...the notion is, express yourselves but let's respect others' opinions and let's not be divisive...let's be less shrill."
After a short segue she says, "I was imaging the High Priest Caiaphas in Ridge's interviewee's seat on CNN:" 'Well, I think Jesus articulates his point of views in ways that offend very many. It's a matter of language and a matter of how you use words. It does get the base all fired up and he's got a strong following. But personally, if he would listen to me...the notion is, express yourselves but let's respect others' opinions and let's not be divisive...let's be less shrill."
Mark this point she makes; "If you want to talk about divisive, the Bible says it's not bad to be divisive for a good purpose, as when there's some winnowing to be done: "For there must also be factions among you, that those who are approved may be be recognized among you.' [I Corinthians 11:19].
If Seu's words deserve a conclusion I will take the risk to tell you what I think it is: When God puts a burden on your heart (and He has, or will) you have to act, and in these days action is required. 'When the Holy Spirit puts a thought in your mind, speak it.' (Thanks, Dwight Nelson).
If what Andree writes is true, then the following men and women of history were "shrill:: the Apostle Paul, Luther, Huss, Zwingli, Calvin, Cromwell, Fox, Knox, Melanchthon, Wycliff...William Miller, Ellen White...and perhaps...perhaps you...and maybe even me.
Pray to God that we will have the courage to speak for Jesus Christ on every day and every occasion we are blessed with opportunity to witness. Pray for opportunity to be "shrill" after the manner of Jesus Christ and the men and women of history named above (there were others) who came after Him and followed Him. I figure you've figured it out; that to be "shrill" in Christ is to be courageous and not be intimidated by opinion, criticism, condemnation, or persecution.
Speak to others about Him. Soon it will be too late...soon.
God bless. e.c.

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