Being a volunteer Prayer Warrior for 3ABN brings me face to face with the trials, tribulations, and evils in this world. There are heart wrenching stories of sickness, accident, family members turning their backs on God: There are too many to count or recount. Reading the pleas for help is not an easy thing to do.
A young person is ill; very ill. Soon the family will gather to witness removal of life support. This does not have to happen. "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" [Genesis 18:14].
On our walk this morning I spent most of the time talking to the Lord about this. I understand that on this earth we will have tribulation. I understand that disease and death are a non-negotiable part of the equation of sin. I understand that the rains fall on the good and the bad. All these things I understand. But there is a problem.
God is more willing to give good things to His children than a father (or mother) give to their children. He asks us to "ask", to "seek" with the promise that we shall find and that it will be given to us.
But this too I know; sometimes God is quiet. The only way I can understand and deal with this is that I know His ways derive from perfect knowledge, perfect judgment, perfect wisdom, perfect decisions, and perfect Love. So what can I say? This is what I say: "Lord, you see and hear everything. Look on this family with tender mercy. Stand up, Lord, and rebuke this illness. Bring healing to your servants that they may know how great is their God. Thy perfect will be done. Magnify our faith. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen." it's just me Lord. e.c.
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